Friday, June 22, 2007

Types of Yoga

The science of yoga has developed a vast amount of techniques which all lead to the same point of unification of the mind-body-spirit.

Karma Yoga: the way of right action, serving without the motivation of obtaining the results of labor.

Bhakti Yoga: the way of devotion, devotion to a supreme being absorbing the emotions and self in pure love.

Jnana Yoga: the way of knowledge, studying god and learning to discriminate between illusion and the reality that all is god.

Hatha Yoga: the physical path, using the body through asana and pranayama to control the mind and senses.

Tantric Yoga: the feminine path, worshiping the goddess energy and seeing the body as the temple of the divine.

Kundalini Yoga: the path of energy, arousing the energy stored in the chakras through breathing and movement.

Raja Yoga: the path of meditation, controlling the mind from wandering and obtaining mastery over thought.

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